Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Take-aways from Mommyfriend Lori

Thanks for Lori coming to our Social Media Marketing class as a speaker! I am surprised that she is a full-time blogger. 

First of all, I have changed my mind about interests and careers are incompatible. Lori finds what she is good at and what she likes. That is blogging about parenting. Now, I have confidence to dig a career filed which satisfies my interests. 

Moreover, I totally agree with the idea of blogging for community. It is always about a community which can be your friends circle, or your colleagues, or the same position persons on line. No matter what you want to write, there always will be a certain circle of readers. It is important to know who is reading your blog, so you know what is suitable to write.

Finally, I have the similar situation with Lori about twitting. However, the one I mostly used is Chinese Twitter called Weibo, and I checked Weibo almost every hour in the day. I understand it sounds crazy, but it is hard to get rid of. I should try to spend less time on Weibo and Twitter. 

Thanks again for sharing your experience, Lori.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Naomi,

    I as also surprised that she is a full-time blogger! Does it surely exist..!?

    You learned how to make a blog a lot from Lori.

    I was also impressed about Twitter. Actually,
    I don't know how to utilize Twitter, but his husband and you are addicted to using Twitter,right!?

    Many people like using Twitter, so I'm supposed to try to use Twitter cnstantly in order to find out why so many people love Twitter.

    You check your Weibo once an hour. It might be too many times, but it depends on you,Naomi.

    Have fun!

    See you in our last class.

